Amazonian Erasures: Landscape and Myth-Making in Lowland Bolivia
Investigation of the dangers and cultural erasure posed by the Pristine Myth regarding indigenous peoples, landscape, and history.
Keeping the Amazon Forests Standing: A Matter of Values
Report detailing the ecosystem services of the Amazon Rainforest.
Forest Transformation in the Wake of Colonization: The Quijos Andean Amazonian Flank, Past and Present
Qualitative study to understand forest transitions trends and prospects of sustainability on cloud forest vegetation from a socioecological standpoint.
La Heroína de Motolo: Vida y Costumbres de los Jíbaros”
“The Heroine of Motolo: Life and Customs of the People”
Dr. Sarmiento, Alberto – 1961
Monografía Científica del Oriente Ecuatoriano
“Scientific Monograph of Eastern Ecuador”
Dr. Sarmiento, Alberto – 1958
Embrujo Salvaje: Tradiciones y Cuentos de la Selva
“Wild Spell: Traditions and Stories of the Jungle”
Dr. Sarmiento, Alberto – 1970.
Siekopai Community
Members of the Siekopai Community at Puerto Estrella.
Recorded on July of 2023.
Amarun Pakcha
Members of the Amarun Pakcha NGO. Recorded on July of 2023.
Jessica Tapuy
Guango Lodge Resident.
Recorded on July of 2023.