Houses on the bank of a body of water in the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador.

The “One-Amazon”

An illustration of an indigenous man with a staff and a bird standing in the Amazon rainforest.

The figurative use of an old woman converted into half owl and half parrot relates to the notion of local knowledge kept by old people, mainly female storytellers who keep the ancestral wisdom from inside big cavities inside trees (hence the owl) with the habit of reciting those anecdotal and mystic narratives when youngster gather around the fire inside the hut, and the mean and women coming to create a circle around the storyteller repeating many times the same stories (hence the parrot). 

The two nocturnal inhabitants of the forest canopy, oilbirds (Steatornis caripensis), whose troglodytes habits in caves and caverns allow them to become the ultimate dispersers that regenerate the forest from eschatological efficacy, and baths (e.g., Pteronotus parnellii, Desmodus rotundus, Cynomops abrasus.), that keep a useful check in the number of species of the forest after they depart from their dark cave cockpits, represent the feminine nature of a regenerative jungle. The ecological sense or renewal of the jungle creatures, associated with the fate of old women who can retell the creation stories of the Amazon, is highlighted as a tool for its maintenance and permanence.

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